As a free-lance writer in a new town, where I can go an entire day without a single personal interaction, I find it's important to write down the stuff I manage to accomplish. It's good for reminding me there are other reasons to get up in the morning besides watching Deadwood DVDs. (Such a great show. And I think we can all be grateful the name was trademarked before someone co-opted it for an ED treatment.)
Over at The Turbid Spume, I used the voices of four other men (including Ty Webb!) to add to the ever-burgeoning chorus of dads who are underwhelmed by their portrayals in TV shows and advertisements. Brands might be trying to market to dads the right way, but it's up to us to speak out and show them the images to which we'll respond favorably.
Tomorrow, I'm headed back to New York to speak on a panel headed by the NYC Dads Group at the New Parents Expo. We'll be talking about fatherhood and such at 10:45 Saturday morning and manning the Dads' Lounge all day. It will also be my first "visit" to the city since college, which is a little freaky. But it will be great to see faces that I've known for more than six weeks.
I am also committed to packing everything for this trip in my backpack. Because I WILL DEFEAT YOU, BAGGAGE FEES.
And mostly most importantly, I'm very proud to announce that the Movember page for this year's Dad 2.0/Man of the House team is up and running. You may remember I took part in this last year, and this time around I'm hoping to gather dadbloggers into one Hirsute Scrum of Awesome that will hopefully 1) raise a hill of cash, and 2) help energize more online dads to get involved with Social Media for Social Good.
So far, around 30 men have agreed to join the team, and we have more than two weeks to recruit as many willing philtrums as possible. If you'd like to join us, please register here and join the DAD 2.0/MAN OF THE HOUSE team. Every lip counts.
And if you'd like to donate to us, promote us, or just give us a good-on-ya punch in the arm, we'll take that, too.
Since I'm all up in this Deadwood headspace, I'm thinking I'll be growing a full Swearengen. And if we reach a certain money threshold, I'll dye it to match the prostate cancer ribbon. So more A2 parents can 1) meet me, and 2) tell their kids to cross the street when they see me coming.