I don't like posting pictures of my kids on the Internet. I've had pictures stolen before, and I've seen too much about predators and freaks -- some of whom seem straight out of Central Casting -- to expose my children to the nefarious, the felonious, and the libidinous. How do you folks with Flickr accounts do it? Seriously. Tell me.
[I'm not kidding about that Central Casting angle. Somebody called up looking for a guy who looks just like Tooms, the creepy dude who eats livers in one of my favorite "X-Files" episodes.]
If you, too, are overwhelmed by uncertainty (and that uncertainty is, for whatever reason, cone-shaped), who better to rely on that this demonstrative, diminutive weatherman? If your area is destined to be icky and/or beset by farts, you can tune in to the Channel 24 meteorologist for the latest in IckyFart Triple Doppler technology.