The data have been crunched, and the results are momentous. Over 27 hours, we heard from readers in 43 states (plus DC) and 18 countries. And 320 is a nice, round number, so I'll go with that. When you tack on the matching offers from readers Liz and Stacey, it looks like Heifer is about to get $960 $1,280. [UPDATE: Reader Pamela (see comment 10) has pledged another $320. The warm and the fuzzy just got warmer and fuzzier.]
Thanks also for your words, which were voluminous and inspirational--just the thing to pull out and read when I'm staring at a blank screen and feeling like a barren fraud.
I'm still looking over Heifer's gift options, and the current front-runner is rabbits. Heifer says rabbits are good gifts for two main reasons: reproduction and poop. Seems appropriate, since those two topics tend to dominate this site's content.
Once again, thank you all very much for chiming in and making this De-Lurking Drive such a success. Because of your efforts, one lucky village will soon be ankle-deep in bunny shit. Doesn't that make you feel warm all over?